Wednesday, November 21, 2012


Two things are about to happen in the next month or so:
  1. I'm going to be an aunt. My very best friend is almost 8 months pregnant with a baby girl.
  2. I'm going to Nicaragua to visit my brother-in-law with my hubby and some friends.
Here's why these two things are related:
  • On one hand, I want to be such an amazing, positive influence in this soon-to-be kid's life. I want to help grow her into a strong, confident woman. (I'll have to rethink my strategy somewhat if she comes out a boy...)
  • On the other, this looming beach vacation has left me suddenly concerned about my "problem" areas. I've been worrying recently about not being "bikini" ready. 
Those two things just don't jive and yet they are completely related.

The kicker is this: if we want to change the world, we must start with ourselves. If I want to be a role model for her, I have to lead by example. I have to practice what I preach.

And I preach this:
  • We are all beYOUtiful and unique.
  • We are objectified enough by the media, society, etc - let's not do it to ourselves, and let's not do it to each other.
  • Let's celebrate our own beauty.
  • And admit to girl crushes (my most recent gc's include: Gabby Bernstein, Marie Forleo, and Kris Carr).
  • ... oh yes, and let's define beauty holistically - like inside and out. 

So next time you're heading towards negative self-talk or gossiping for that matter, picture a 10-year-old hanging on your every word/ thought. What would you want her to learn?

Much, much love.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

the tough moments...

This week has been difficult. I'm going through something at work that really shouldn't be that big of a deal, but for some reason, it has rocked me to my very core.

I can't help but feel like something bigger is going on, like I'm in the midst of a bigger change, but I can't see it yet. Right now, I'm in muck of it and my chest is tight.

But I've realized this in the past few months:

 life is beautiful because of it ebbs and flows. 

Everyone will always have ups and downs, and that's just part of the process.

The less we fight it, the more we let ourselves just experience this moment as it is, the sooner we will figure out what it's for.

I get that hearing how grateful you really should and how much worse it could be (a.k.a. perspective) isn't always appreciated. Sometimes you don't want to be told to snap out of it. Sometimes you just need to feel the rawness.

So feel it. Like really, truly feel it.

And, dear reader, whoever you might be, I hope you can find comfort in this:
  • This too shall pass.
  • Everyone you see feels the same way you do. You're not alone.
  • One day you'll look back and understand, but for now, just take care of yourself in whatever way you need to.

Love u.

This is my happy place. That's me, the blondie next to the gorgeous bride. :)

Thursday, November 15, 2012


Today was a sh*t sandwich kind of a day.

I cried... a lot. I b*tched and moaned. I bailed on one of my best friends. It wasn't pretty.

But then the universe sent me this little nugget of wisdom:

"be thankful for what's right rather than complaining about what's wrong"

And this.

And this.

Trust me, I know it's hard to see the forest for the trees when you're in the muddy thick of it, but I promise you, there is a forest.

The universe has your back. Oh yes, and this: if not this, than something better.

Much love!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

burn out...

Last time I attended a pretty amazing Q&A with Brett Wilson.

I have also been devouring his book, Redefining Success: Still Making Mistakes.

Tonight, after some 15 days straight of work (yup, including weekends) and most of them overtime, I left work in a haze. I was so absolutely out of it that, thankfully, all I was able to think about is how ridiculously I have been living recently.

I have been heading FULL steam ahead towards burnout. Silly Maya.

It took me awhile to realize it this time because I've built my body up to a healthy, strong state and emotionally, I've been kicking it. But burnout is burnout and it gets everyone eventually if you don't change your habits.

But back to Brett and how he handsomely fits into all of this (he is quite handsome!).

When I picked up his book, I was really expecting a guide on how to become super stellar at business. It's not that, at least not really. It's a guide on how to become super stellar at life from someone who had to make some mighty mistakes to figure it out.

I think everyone should read this book but for now, here's one of the main takeaways: life is about so much more than work and your career.
  • Health must come before everything else because without it, there is nothing. 
  • Relationships must come directly after because without them, nothing really matters. 
  • After that, you decide, but somewhere near the top should be community engagement, giving back, or just generally, being a kickass person.
Without those elements, there is no true success. Without those elements, Maya is a crazy person.

So that's it, I've stopped cold in my tracks before it got messy.  Now I'm redefining my non-negotiables, my priorities, my "be the most stellar Maya I can be" list. I encourage you to do the same.

I leave you with something my partner in crime said that really stuck,

"What do you want to remember about your 20s [30s, 40s, etc] - that you worked late every night or that you worked a bit, saw your friends and family, had fun, felt great, etc?"


Thanks universe!