Thursday, January 31, 2013

life = fun (or at least it should)...

My brother-in-law is one of the coolest people I know... by far. Here's why.

Something Jamie wrote in an email last week really, REALLY stuck with me. We were chatting about the concept of following your passion. He said this:

"People always ask me how long I will do coco loco and I always say until I don't enjoy it anymore. 
Life is too short to waste time."

Brilliant, and far more prophetic than I think he realized. Here's the thing, it's amazing to follow your passion, assuming you know what it is, but I think it can be much simpler than that.

It's okay to just have fun. In fact, when you stop having fun, you should really consider shaking things up. 

Many of us seem to have forgotten that it's okay to be joyous, that life is supposed to be enjoyed.

Now, the caveats:

Caveat one: define fun
  • Fun doesn't have to mean quitting your job and partying away all of your money and sanity. That's not very sustainable.  
Case in point: I don't love my job - as far as jobs go, it's pretty great, but it's not my "passion". Some days it's not even all that fun BUT it affords me a life that's fun. Because of my job, I can travel to see my bro-in-law several times a year. It means I can go to yoga and out for dinner dates with great friends. Etc. My job is actually one of the reasons I can enjoy life as much as I do.

Caveat two: timelines matter
  • Every day is not going to be fun. We're human, we wake up on the wrong side of the bed (even in paradise). We have bad days and heck, even bad weeks and bad months. You can't judge the fun quotient of your life on too short of a time period BUT you also can't put it off forever (i.e. "when I retire..."). Watch this awesome TED Talk. You'll know in your gut what timeline is most appropriate.

There's still part of me that thinks this is a selfish approach... but a wiser part knows that that fear is hogwash. Truth is, if more of us spent more time having fun and enjoying life, this planet (or at least the morning subway commute!) would be a far happier place.

Jamie's morning commute...

I end this really, really, really long post (sorry!) with this:  you don't always have to be going somewhere or pursuing some goal. It's okay (and great!) to just be and have fun doing it!


P.S. Thanks bro!  :)

Tuesday, January 29, 2013


Happy Tuesday! My body is humming from another sweaty hot yoga class - what a perfect treat in the winter!

A few days ago, in the midst of an email discussion about health and happiness, my brilliant husband wrote this:

"the constant ability for humans to ignore the obvious solution staring them in the face never ceases to amaze!"

It's true! We do tend to ignore the obvious and we certainly don't want to hear it. Case in point:

Who wants to hear AGAIN that you should eat more vegetables, exercise and unplug?! It's just so booooring. But, alas, it's also true.

I get it. Trust me, I have looked in every nook and cranny for a magic solution but there isn't one. Health takes commitment; it takes hard work. But eventually, when you start feeling truly awesome, this hard work becomes fun! And the beautiful upside of all of this is that it's also simple - we can feel so much better just by taking small, itty bitty steps.

So, based on the Doc's prescription, what kind act can you do for yourself? What work can you put in towards your health? As for me, I need to ditch my computer!

Be kind to yourself.

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Thursday, January 24, 2013

eat food...

Today I read this BBC article on the World's weirdest fad diets.  I have a feeling that in 100 years, they will write something similar about us...

We have made eating so bloody complicated. We've convoluted our biological instinct into an obscure game of science. We have turned food into the enemy, reduced it to bare nutrients (omega 3 this, gluten that, carbs this, protein that) and somewhere along the way, we forgot how to eat and how to enjoy it!

Trust me folks, after all of my research and experimenting, I can say with absolute certainty that this is the soundest "diet" advice to follow:

Michael Pollan is brilliant.  In Defense of Food is a MUST read.

food = real, whole, unprocessed food. Nothing "low fat" or "sugar free" (translation: chemical sh*t storm). Nothing with unpronounceable ingredients!

not too much = hara hachi bu, until you are 80% full OR until you're no longer hungry (rather than until you're full).

mostly plants = lots of mama nature's beautiful fruits and veggies, and a sprinkling of other things on the side.

Eat with people you love. Savour each bite. Drink wine. Allow yourself to enjoy food, real food, and I promise it will heal you.

In the words of my brilliant husband, "carrot good, chips bad".

Be kind to yourself.
Much love,

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

just be...

I'm back from sunny paradise (a.k.a. Nica)...

... back to this:

But alas, c'est la vie.

Nica is this incredible place where I can truly let my body, mind and soul rest. It's the place where I can really connect with myself and those I'm fortunate enough to spend my holiday with. On this trip, someone said something offhandedly that really resonated:

"you can tell she just let's herself be. she just is."


This culture of ours is so goal-focused, so driven, so speedily pursuing some future version of something that I think we often forget the art of just being.

How often do you let yourself just ride the subway or bus without checking your phone, reading or listening to music? How often do you just sit there and take in the ride?

How often do you have a conversation with someone when you're truly listening to them, without thinking about what you'll say next or what they might be thinking of you? How often are you just there?

I wrote about this awhile ago, but I feel like it needs to be said again (translation: I need to hear it again). But really, how often do you just let yourself be?

Once you move past the initial anxiety of not moving at 1,000 miles a minute, you might just find that there's something so beautiful in the stillness. It's actually quite joyous.

So much love,

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

unstuck list...

Good morning!

I woke up this morning with a bit of a hangover from last night's teary-ness. Rather than wallow, I decided to shift my energy! I decided to practice this joy business. :)

So, I got busy:
  • I made the most delicious lemon and ginger elixir, and followed it up with a "Peep in My Step" juice (recipe below).
  • I did my exercises and stretches.
  • And enjoyed a few minutes of silence.
  • I had a super healthy breakfast, and took every possible staircase I could to work.
  • And now this, liquid joy:
Americano from Mercatto, made by Alice. Joy.

It's almost three hours later and I feel new. Brand new. It's that simple. :)

OH, and yes, this:

Last night I stumbled upon Robin Sharma's 62 Tips to Get Unstuck in 2013 and absolutely loved it.

Here are the top 25 that really resonated with me:

  1. Start your day with 20 minutes of exercise.
  2. Stop watching TV. (Bonus points: sell your tv and invest the cash in learning and self-education).
  3. Remember that your diet affects your moods so eat like an athlete.
  4. Spend an hour a day without stimulation (no phone+no FaceBook+no noise).
  5. Write in a journal every morning. And record gratitude every night.
  6. Do work that scares you (if you’re not uncomfortable often, you’re not growing very much).
  7. Smile more (and tell your face).
  8. Do a collage filled with images of your ideal life. Look at it once a day for focus and inspiration.
  9. Plan your week on a schedule (clarity is the DNA of mastery).
  10. Stop gossiping (average people love gossip; exceptional people adore ideas).
  11. Do a nature walk at least once a week. It’s renew you (you can’t inspire others if you’re depleted yourself).
  12. Do something that makes you feel uncomfortable at least once every 7 days.
  13. Remember that to double your income, triple your investment in learning, coaching and self-education.
  14. Achieve 5 little goals each day (“The Daily 5 Concept” I shared in “The Leader Who Had No Title” that has transformed the lives of so many). In 12 months this habit will produce 1850 little goals–which will amount to a massive transformation.
  15. Write handwritten thank you notes to your customers, teammates and family members.
  16. Use the first 90 minutes of your work day only on value-creating activities (versus checking email or surfing the Net).
  17. Breathe.
  18. Keep your promises.
  19. Brain tattoo the fact that all work is a chance to change the world.
  20. Spend more time in art galleries. Art inspires, stimulates creativity and pushes boundaries.
  21. Read a book a week, invest in a course every month and attend a workshop every quarter.
  22. Remember that you empower what you complain about.
  23. Become the fittest person you know.
  24. Become the kindest person you know.
  25. Know your “Big 5″–the 5 goals you absolutely must achieve by December 31 to make this year your best yet.

Hope you can find something that inspires you this morning.

So much love,

P.S. My "Peep in My Step" juice involved apples, kale, celery, swiss chard, and lots of ginger. Yum!

Tuesday, January 8, 2013


What soap is for the body, tears are for the soul.

Husband is in London.
Best friend (and office mate) is on mat leave.

Today was quiet, and lonely.

I watched a movie and cried, a lot. I got it all out. I think.

Even in the quiet, in the tears, and in the occasional pain, there is beauty. There is joy.

Much love,

Sunday, January 6, 2013

sunday, soup and heart...

Today has been the most lovely of lovely Sundays.

I woke up early, refreshed.
I called my grandma in Poland. I love grandmas.
I drank coffee and read magazines, and lazily got ready for my day.
Hubby and I went errand-running, which I really, really enjoy.
We got everything done super duper quickly.
And then stunk in a round of golf practice at the Golf Dome. 
I kept to my 2013 commitment to drive one way wherever we go (more on this one day soon).
Then I made soup, and the most glorious lunch for tomorrow, and read some more.
After I finish this, I'm heading upstairs to do some yoga (am hooked on
Then a light dinner, maybe a movie, a bath and an early night.
Joy, joy, and more joy.

Today I made a version of my mom's Sweet Potato Carrot Soup. Yum, yum.

  • Two big sweet potatoes, peeled and diced.
  • Four large carrots, diced (peeled if not organic).
  • About 1 litre of stock or water (enough to cover the veggies).
  • Big pinch of salt.
  • 1 inch piece of ginger, crushed.
  • 1-2 cloves of garlic, crushed.
  • 1-2 tbsp curry powder.
  • 2-4 tbsp tahini.
  • 1/2 can of coconut milk (optional, I just happened to have an open can in the fridge).
  • Garnish: oranges and/ or cilantro. 
Now, this soup really couldn't be easier. All you need to do is:
  • Dice up the veggies and throw them in a big pot.
  • Cover them in water/ stock and add a pinch of salt.  
  • Bring everything to a boil then cover and simmer until the veggies are tender. 
  • When tender, toss in the garlic, curry, tahini and coconut milk, and any additional salt. 
  • Blend, blend, blend. 
  • DONE!  
And really, you can completely ignore my measurements - just add things in until it tastes perfect to you.
Happy, healthy, soupy love.

Finally, I leave you with my favourite quote from the weekend:

"Here is my secret. It's quite simple: One sees clearly only with the heart. Anything essential is invisible to the eyes."  
Says the tamed fox to the little prince in The Little Prince

The Little Prince and a delicious almond mylk latte. Joy!

Hope you're having a joyous Sunday!

Much love,

Friday, January 4, 2013


I'm a big fan of love.

Like a really big fan.

Recently, my hubby asked how I can use the word "love" so loosely. "I don't!" I immediately rebutted, "I mean it when I say it". But he had a point - my love for him is vastly different from the love I feel for my amigas, or for the guy who made me the most amazing Americano today, or Janey B who kicked my butt all the way to New Polynesia during my morning workout. And it's definitely different from the love I feel for my cat.

Then, during today's daily joy of devouring the newest Chaletaine with my favourite highlighter in hand, I stumbled upon the perfect explanation - we simply don't have enough words for love. One?! Really?!! Whose idea was that?!

On this one, I have to side with the ancient Greeks - they had at least three words!
  • philia for friendship and affectionate love
  • eros for erotic love
  • agape for true, deep love of a spouse or a child

Slightly different, but all the same. They're love. Love, love, love!


I leave you with a quote from the article by Sam Bee in the same issue,

"Wouldn't it be great if we never had to feel this way again: "I wish I had just told this person how I felt about them" or "I wish my last words to that person had been loving and kind"?... So when is the right time to tell someone you love and cherish them, or even just like them, and wish you could be friends, or you think they are fabulous? It's right now. Do it!"

So much love!

P.S. After the chocolate settles in my belly, I will try their ab exercises. :)

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

the joy list...

Good morning! I have the incredible pleasure of having the whole week off. Joy! I'm currently sitting in my pjs, drinking a delicious coffee, listening to my beautiful friend Emilie-Claire Barlow's new album, and contemplating this joy project of mine.

Next on the joyous agenda is the joy list!

If I want to add more joy to my life, I have to get pretty clear about what brings me joy. The instructions are simple:

  1. take a piece of paper and your favourite pen (or some sort of techie device)
  2. spend 10 minutes just free-flowing joyous ideas onto the page (or techie device)
  3. no judging, no stopping, just writing

There! You have yourself a joy list.

Now go through your list and codify it according to 5 minute, 15 minute, 30 minute, 1 hour, half day or full day activities. Whenever you have 5, 15, 30 minutes, etc, simply refer to your list. Easy peasy lemon squeezy. 

Finally, here is my first daily joy:

Charlie cuddles.
Much love!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

project joy

Hap... hap... happy new year!! 2013, finally! :)

As promised, here are my resolutions. Actually, here is my one and only resolution:

Project Joy!!

Now, let me explain. It took me awhile to arrive at Project Joy. I had several typical-Maya, type-A resolution lists which I kept dwindling and dwindling until two nights ago, in a moment of joyous quiet, I realized what I need most in my life: joy.

I need to slow down and focus on the small things that make life beautiful - the joyous moments that we remember in the end.

In 2013, I want to be a student of joy. I want to seek it, create it, document it and share it.

For now, I'll start by defining it:

: joy          
  • : a state of happiness or felicity (
  • : a source or cause of delight (merriam-webster)
  • : happiness, an emotion (wikipedia)
  • : all of the above. that calm feeling in your heart when things are just what they should be. contentment. glee. smiles you just can't contain (maya says)

Stay tuned... I'm SOOOO excited!