Ladies and gentlemen, it's official, fall is here! (See red tree below).
This makes me very, very happy.
Don't get me wrong, I'm a summer baby and I love my hot, humid Toronto days (especially when they are spent on patios with cool, crisp bevvies), but there is something oh so magical about fall. The crisp air makes you feel fresh after so much heat. The sun is still shining. The leaves are all sorts of glorious colours.... and we have Thanksgiving, Hallowe'en and Christmas to look forward to all in the next three months! :)
Since the leaves are starting to turn, it means October must be right around the corner... and look, it is!... which means it's time to assess how the second month of my happy, healthy project went.
I am happy to say that September went far more smoothly than August! I stuck to most of my resolutions, and happily got rid of those that just weren't cutting it. So let's assess, shall we?
- Learn more about yoga.... A big CHECK! I practiced yoga every day, read many yoga books, and am now counting down the days until my certification starts!
- Learn to speak Spanish.... Umm, yeah. This just didn't happen AT ALL. But I've learned this - I am a terrible self-learner. I absolutely need a class to stay motivated. We'll try this again before the year's out.
- Learn about wine.... Comme se comme sa. I read a little bit, tasted a lot more, but really, I'll have to revisit this in the future, perhaps the same month that I revisit the Spanish (maybe that month's theme will be "Classes"!)
- Learn about potential grad programs (and possibly apply)... Yes! I've put the feelers out for a potential degree I may want to do (if it happens, I'll post more), but more importantly, I finally put to rest all of the things I don't want to do. It's so freeing. :)
- Learn to rest... Yes, yes, yes!
- Read smart books.... Yes! The media-free week surely helped as I had nothing else to do. ;)
And as for August's resolutions, how did those fare?
- Eat stop eat... The fasting has been hit and miss, and I think it might be time to put it to rest. My ridiculously active lifestyle isn't conducive to regular fasting and I don't love the energy drops that come with fasting. Maybe I'm making excuses - probably - but it's my project so I can do what I want.... so there! :)
- 100km cumulative walk/ run... Check! I stopped counting at 113km about a week ago.
- Early morning dates with Jillian... Yeah, no. This happened once. I far prefer early morning snuggles and hitting the snooze button.
- Act more energetic... This one is coming more and more naturally. The more I rest, the better I eat, the more I stretch and tone, the better and better I feel.
So here we are after two months and I could not be happier that I embarked on this journey. Sure, it hasn't been perfect, but that's not the point. The point is to feel happier and healthier than when I first began and if that can happen after only 60 days of minor life tweaks, I think it's safe to say, it was well worth it.
I'm looking forward to October. I hope you stayed tuned! :)
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