Monday, January 10, 2011

cleanse - day numero uno...


I'm going to keep this one short and sweet as I am exhausted!

Here's what day one of the cleanse looked like:
  • 7:26am - Glass of warm water with cayenne pepper. Usually I would squeeze a fresh lemon in there, but alas, I didn't have any lemons. No lemons!!!
  • 7:37am - Vega shake.
  • 8:50am - Triple Leaf Detox tea.
  • 9:30am - Half of a brown rice bun, toasted with almond butter and a banana smushed in. Handful of granola from Live.
  • 10:30am - Herbal tea.
  • 12:00pm - Small plate of brown rice pasta with tomatoes and kale. Half rice bun with baba ganoush. More granola.
  • 2:45pm - Still more granola + vegan protein shake.
  • ... insert amazing and deadly spynga flow class here...
  • 9:00pm - Veggie burger with side salad, no bun. At the sports bar, it was the absolute healthiest option. I washed it down with a nice soda water with two limes. Oh, and I had one french fry. It was awful.
Sooo... day one of the cleanse was a 7/10 overall. I didn't eat anything off the do-not-eat list, but I still ate too much and didn't consume nearly enough fruits and veggies. The good news: NO part of me felt like I was on a cleanse!

Oh well, live and learn. Tomorrow will be better. :)

Good night!


  1. Don't know if you've seen this's pretty awesome!
