Thursday, April 12, 2012

healthy on the cheap: yoga!

Happy Thursday, lovelies!

I just came back with a date with one of my very favourite people, Vrinda from Buddha Body Yoga (a.k.a. Mama V). I am spinning with new ideas and plans... but more about that at a later time.

Today is Thrifty Thursday. Now, I realize that being healthy can add up... financially, that is. Between juicers, supplements, yoga classes, and all of the other lotions and potions, it can all leave your wallet.. well, thin. But I want to share that while health can seem luxurious, it certainly doesn't have to be. You can do healthy on the cheap!

Today's edition: yoga on the cheap!

Here are some ideas for practicing yoga in a community setting, while giving your pocketbook a bit of a rest.

Kula Yoga:
I recently stumbled upon Kula Yoga in the Annex and I absolutely adore it. They have a great deal for first-time students: $40 for a month of unlimited yoga! But, what's even better is that they have a large selection of $8 classes!! And they are offered at times that are accessible for those of us stuck in cubicles between 9-5pm. AND they often have free classes for students at exam time!! I highly recommend this studio.

Introductory Specials:
Most yoga studios in the city offer an introductory special of some sort for new students. Kula's is $40 for the first month. 889 Yonge (and Thompson) also offers the same great deal ($40 for 30 days), so do the various Moksha studios. With the plethora of yoga studios in Toronto, you could keep trying these introductory specials for many, many months!

Passport to Prana:
Now this might be one of the absolute best yoga deals around. $30 for one year of unlimited classes at various studios throughout the city. The catch, if you can even call it that, is that you can only use it if you are a new student at the studio and you can only use the card once per studio. But, with over 70 participating studios, it will take you awhile to run out. 

Community Centres, Libraries, Churches, etc:
Check your local library, church, community centre, etc for deals. Some are amazing! I was first introduced to yoga in a church basement. It was pay-what-you-can and it was amazing. 

What's your favourite way to do yoga on the cheap?

Happy t&s,

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