Wednesday, September 21, 2011


I’ll be the first to admit, my dear readers, that it has been awhile. Perhaps too long.

There are many reasons I could use – summer, insanely busy schedule, blah blah and more blah – but the truth is, I wasn’t feeling particularly happy or healthy. And feeling blah left me with very little to say.

But lately I’ve been feeling better. Happier and healthier… and a whole lot more authentic. Lately, I’ve made some changes which seem to be paying off, and I do hope to share them with you soon!

For now, since it’s quite late, I’m leaving you with my favourite new recipe: chocolate hummus!! (That’s right, I said hummus).

To make said yumminess, combine the following in a food processor:

  • one can of chickpeas, drained.
  • 2 tbsp organic cocoa powder.
  • 2 tbsp honey or maple syrup.
  • a splash and dash of almond oil (i used the oil from the top of my almond butter)
  • a splash and dash of almond milk
  • a splash and dash of water
  • the tiniest pinch of sea salt

Blend, blend, blend. You’ll want to change up the amounts to suit your taste buds, but I promise, it’s surprisingly yummy.




  1. When do you eat this? Is this a dessert? It sounds delicious!

  2. Whenever! It's surprisingly yummy for breakfast (on some hearty toast or with fruit), or as a dessert, OR as a snack (perfect with an apple around 3pm). :)
