Friday, September 30, 2011

favourite things: books...

A friend recently asked me about the books I've read on nutrition and health, and it got me thinking... it's about time I started sharing some of my favourite things!

Today's topic... books!

From the dozens of books on my selves, here are some happy, healthy favourites:

And a few others...





general wellness:

Future favourite things:
films & docs, blogs, experts, supplements, healthy eateries, yoga studios & teachers, etc.... and i'm taking requests!

Happy weekend!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

joyously healthy....

If you know me personally, you probably think I'm one of the healthiest eaters you've come across.

If you know me even more personally, you also probably know that I struggle with my tum tum more than most people.

I'm a cleanser and supplementer - no gluten one month, no dairy the other, perhaps no sugar today, or all raw tomorrow. I take spirulina and put flax seeds in my smoothies. All of this fussing just to solve my seemingly endless stomach woes.

It took me some time to get over the entire, "woe is me, I sure got the raw end of the deal. Why can't I just eat whatever I want and be fine like so many others?!" And then I realized this: food and nutrition are my passion and also part of my purpose. Whatever I learn on my journey to feeling my happiest, healthiest self, I want to share with others. It's only fitting that I first have a test case: me!

I also quickly realized that my aimless and random guessing (based on hundreds of different books I've read, all with slightly different takes) was probably not the smartest approach. At least for me, it wasn't a very effective approach.

So last night I went to see Joy McCarthy, of Joyous Health, and let me tell you folks, I am humming!
Joy is an incredible nutritionist who, it became quickly apparent, shares my philosophy about food: real, whole food (without gimmicks or potions) is medicine.

I could go on for days about what I'm going to do and not do after my session with Joy, but instead... for now... I offer up this tidbit:

Listen to your gut, literally and figuratively. Books and blogs are immensely helpful, but nothing can replace what your unique body is telling you it needs. Listen to it, really listen, and connect yourself with those that help you listen even more clearly.

'Nite, mxo

P.S. Okay, one more tip that's fabulous for everyone: start the day with a glass of warm water with juice from half a lemon (no squirt bottle business). So cleansing and detoxifying! I have been doing this for years and I absolutely adore it.

Monday, September 26, 2011


I have broken a lot of promises to myself recently. They usually involve promising...

... to exercise.
... to go to yoga.
... to spin, swim, box, run, etc.

And somehow I tend not to keep these promises because...
... my schedule is just too stretched.
.. I'm tired.

... it can wait.

But here's the thing about breaking promises, especially those you make to yourself: it feels terrible. Absolutely terrible.
And I, for one, do not like feeling terrible.

I could just give up on trying... but I know better. I know that to be my happiest and healthiest, I absolutely must exercise. This is non-negotiable, and I'd venture to say it's the same for you. How you feel is directly proportional to how frequently you move your tush!

I've also come to realize this: fitness aspirations mean little until they are transformed into goals.

what is a goal?
lululemon says it best:

A goal is a written statement with a deadline (or “by when”, as we call them here at lululemon). A goal inspires you to do the work. Your goals should excite and even scare you. A goal is not a ‘to do’ list or an idea, what your family/boyfriend/girlfriend/etc. wants for you, or what society states is for you. Goals are to create what does not already exist. Goals are based on a long-term plan that has no constraints. Anything is possible. Whatever you need to achieve your long-term goal (skills, funding, experience, etc.) you can gain with time.

why are goals important?

Quite simply, goals provide focus - they provide the "why", and knowing why can help you endure almost any how. It's knowing why and enduring the how that creates your future. (They are also point numero 97 on my personal manifesto).

So with all of that in mind, I've decided to set some realistic and yet challenging (and fun!) fitness goals. Yippie!

Here goes... (notice the quintessential deadline!):

That's it, for now. Please hold me accountable. :)


“He who has a why can endure any how.” ~ Nietzche

Sunday, September 25, 2011

lovely Sundays...

It's Sunday, one of my favourite days of the week, and today has been absolutely perfect. The sun is shining, it's a lovely 20c outside, and I've been busy puttering away on some of my most adored activities... like:

  • Trips to markets to buy whole, real foods for the week.
  • Enjoying cups of pumpkin chai tea from David's Tea.
  • Responding to emails from lovely friends.
  • Making kale chips according to the lovely FineTunePilates.
  • Cooking rice, beans and lentils, and roasting veggies for yummy lunches.
  • Making almond butter chews!! The happy, healthy sweet tooth mission continues!

Almond Butter Chews (adapted from Shape Magazine)

  • 1/4 c. chunky all-natural almond butter
  • 3 Tbsp. organic brown rice syrup OR raw honey
  • 1 tsp. vanilla extract
  • 1 tbsp. cocoa (optional)
  • 1 tbsp. shredded coconut (optional)
  • 1 c. puffed rice cereal
  • 1 Tbsp. cacao nibs, chopped chocolate, chopped walnuts, or anything with a crunch (i used Enjoy Life's Crunchy Flax cereal) - perfect!

Line a plate with parchment paper. Stir together almond butter, brown rice syrup/ honey, vanilla and cocoa powder. Microwave on high for 35-45 seconds. Stir; immediately add rice puffs, coconut and cacao nibs/ your crunchy bits. Stir until fully mixed.

Wet hands thoroughly and shape the mixture into golf ball-sized spheres. Press mixture together firmly. Place the balls onto plate and freeze for five minutes. Store in an airtight container. Makes about 7 balls.

Happy Sunday, loverlies!

Saturday, September 24, 2011

ice "cream"...

In my attempt to become healthier, I have somehow managed to develop quite the sweet tooth. Yes, I know, it makes no sense and how it happened, I have no idea... but I'm determined to find happy, healthy ways to satisfy this new development!

Tonight, I am proud to say, I have mastered a super duper easy peasy healthy and delicious ice "cream". Yippie!!

Choco-Banana Nut Ice Creaaaaaaam....
  • One frozen banana.
  • One teaspoon organic vanilla extract.
  • One teaspoon almond butter.
  • One to two tablespoons cocoa powder, depending on how chocolately you want it!
  • A splash of almond milk for easy blending.

Combine all ingredients in a food processor or blender and blend, blend, blend! (You can leave out the almond butter and use rice or hemp milk if nuts are an issue.)

The banana + vanilla + almond milk combo serves as an awesome base for any flavour combinations.

Leave out the cocoa powder, double up the vanilla and add some cinnamon, cardamom and tahini, and you have Vanilla Chai!

Or swap the almond butter for peanut, double it up, and you have Peanut Butter Chocolate!

OR throw in some frozen strawberries (or cherries) for a fruity blend!

Let me know what other delicious flavours you can dream up. :)


Wednesday, September 21, 2011


I’ll be the first to admit, my dear readers, that it has been awhile. Perhaps too long.

There are many reasons I could use – summer, insanely busy schedule, blah blah and more blah – but the truth is, I wasn’t feeling particularly happy or healthy. And feeling blah left me with very little to say.

But lately I’ve been feeling better. Happier and healthier… and a whole lot more authentic. Lately, I’ve made some changes which seem to be paying off, and I do hope to share them with you soon!

For now, since it’s quite late, I’m leaving you with my favourite new recipe: chocolate hummus!! (That’s right, I said hummus).

To make said yumminess, combine the following in a food processor:

  • one can of chickpeas, drained.
  • 2 tbsp organic cocoa powder.
  • 2 tbsp honey or maple syrup.
  • a splash and dash of almond oil (i used the oil from the top of my almond butter)
  • a splash and dash of almond milk
  • a splash and dash of water
  • the tiniest pinch of sea salt

Blend, blend, blend. You’ll want to change up the amounts to suit your taste buds, but I promise, it’s surprisingly yummy.

