Wednesday, November 21, 2012


Two things are about to happen in the next month or so:
  1. I'm going to be an aunt. My very best friend is almost 8 months pregnant with a baby girl.
  2. I'm going to Nicaragua to visit my brother-in-law with my hubby and some friends.
Here's why these two things are related:
  • On one hand, I want to be such an amazing, positive influence in this soon-to-be kid's life. I want to help grow her into a strong, confident woman. (I'll have to rethink my strategy somewhat if she comes out a boy...)
  • On the other, this looming beach vacation has left me suddenly concerned about my "problem" areas. I've been worrying recently about not being "bikini" ready. 
Those two things just don't jive and yet they are completely related.

The kicker is this: if we want to change the world, we must start with ourselves. If I want to be a role model for her, I have to lead by example. I have to practice what I preach.

And I preach this:
  • We are all beYOUtiful and unique.
  • We are objectified enough by the media, society, etc - let's not do it to ourselves, and let's not do it to each other.
  • Let's celebrate our own beauty.
  • And admit to girl crushes (my most recent gc's include: Gabby Bernstein, Marie Forleo, and Kris Carr).
  • ... oh yes, and let's define beauty holistically - like inside and out. 

So next time you're heading towards negative self-talk or gossiping for that matter, picture a 10-year-old hanging on your every word/ thought. What would you want her to learn?

Much, much love.

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