Oh my goodness, oh my goodness! How ever did it get to be the end of December?! It seems like the holidays disappeared after just one blink. I hope you all had the most merry of hollies!
The end of December can only mean one thing for this delinquent blogger: it's check-in time! I (thankfully) kept my resolutions very simple for December:
Friends and family, seeing as much of both as absolutely possible,
and really being there in the moment with them.
... and I can happily say that I fulfilled this one as much as I possibly could.
There were martinis and fancy dinners, yoga dates and holiday parties, chats over coffee and lovely brunches... it was amazing. After so much time running around, I finally got to reconnect with all of the people I love so very much.
... but...
Somewhere in all of that fun, I fell a little off kilter. I started to feel a little flighty and completely disorganized. I kept up with the yoga but abandoned any sort of healthy diet. I forgot how to sleep, eat, and otherwise take care of myself. I suppose even too much of a good thing is... well... too much.
So, after a month of fun and a little wobbliness, I have learned two very important me-isms:
- I need some Maya-only time to feel centred. Even if it's deathly boring, I need to be on my own to recharge my batteries. I guess Myers-Briggs was right, I am an introvert after all.
- I have an absolutely amazing support system - amazing friends, a loving family... really, what more could I girl want?!
I end December with one final thought for you... actually, it's more of a request: before the year is out, please tell at least one person in your life just how much you love them, just how much you're grateful they are in your life, and just how much you'd miss them if they went. Because that's the thing, tomorrow has yet to be written and we really have no idea who will be around to help us fill that page.
Okay lovelies, it's movie night! I must go!

That's me on the far right, happy as can be!
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