Oh my goodness, it's December! Where, oh where, did this year go?! :)
A new month means a new slate of resolutions...
... but first, I have to share a little secret with you...
December is actually my most favourite month of the year... shhh. Sure, it is a month of torturously spending far too much money while trying to avoid getting trampled to death by panicked, last-minute shoppers. Sure, there is usually far too much to do, too many people to see, and too much fruitcake to eat. Sure, sure, sure... BUT it's also a month of celebrating with family and friends. It's the month for pretty decorations on the streets. It's about chocolates and eggnog, and National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation!! It's the first true month of winter, when we're all still excited about the snow and not grunting miserably at each other every time it falls. It's also a month to reflect on the past year and let it all go - the good, the bad, the ugly... whatever 2010 brought disappears at midnight on December 31st and we start with a blank slate (at least we can). Yes, it's my absolute favourite month of the year and I look forward to it all year long.

With all of that said, this fifth month of my happy, healthy project will be a little different from the last few. As opposed to listing off a series of resolutions that I have to manage and keep track all month long, I am dedicating this month to one simple sentiment:
Friends and family, seeing as much of both as absolutely possible,
and really being there in the moment with them.
Happy 1st of December, my most favourite of favourite months! :)

A little outdated, but oh so fitting! ;)
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