As per usual, I found myself in the nutrition section. This book found itself in my hands:

gluten-free girl by shauna james ahern
Here's why: for almost fifteen years, I have known that gluten and I don't entirely get along. Gluten might as well be glue for my insides. But I love it - breads, pastas, scones... you name it, I love it!
But let's repeat: it doesn't love me. General gluten intolerance symptoms include:
- Tummy problems - bloating, gas, other ickies.
- Fatigue.
- Depression.
- Headaches.
- Achy joints.
- Irritability.
- Etc...
A big theme of this blog (and soon-to-be website) has been my adventures trying healthy changes, even if I find them challenging. So you guessed it, I'm about to embark on a gluten-free stint.... starting tomorrow! (Today I plan to eat an entire baguette from Mable's).
Why? Because I'm honestly curious if I will notice a huge difference being off the delicious glue.
Only one way to find out. Stay tuned for some gluten-free recipes.
Happy Sunday!
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