Monday, January 17, 2011

cleanse - day eight... blue monday

Happy Blue Monday everyone!

I'm tired today, so I'll keep it short.

Breakfast: quinoa with almond milk, dates, cinnamon and chia.

Lunch: POW!

Greeeeeeeeen monster (a.k.a. the "Detoxifier")! Plus some brown rice sushi yumminess.

Snack: my "cheat" for the day.

One heavenly chocolate brownie. Ingredients: walnuts, cocoa powder, honey, sunflower seeds. I have no idea how they make such delicious things out of so few ingredients! (Sorry about the blurry pic;
I was too excited about this to stay calm!)

Dinner: butternut squash soup - totally vegan and delicious - spinach concoction, avocado and some lentil chips. I ate about a third of the plate. My eyes were much bigger than my tummy is! Oh, and one orange for dessert.

Perfect meal to complete an amazing spinning + power yoga class.

Here's to Blue Monday being over!

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