What I'm about to say may sound like sacrilege, especially if you know me personally, but so be it. A few weeks ago I finally admitted to myself that my constant cleansing and inconsistent dietary dogma just plainly weren't work. Truth is, I'm tired of it. Then, whilst in my oh-so-flattering hospital attire, I realized that I needed a slight paradigm shift (well, I realized it awhile ago but it really sunk in last week).
Here it is: I have decided to cure my IBS with... wait for it... kindness!
Here's why: There is an absolute wealth of information out there about how to be healthy. Some folks argue that a completely plant-based diet is the answer. Others suggest wheat is the devil (I read that exact line somewhere last week). Others still convincingly argue that dairy must go, or sugar, or both, and most agree anything processed is a no-no (well, I agree with the last one).
But with the plethora of information available, and everyone's good intentions, it's easy to get down right lost. I know I did. I read so much and listened to so many people, that I started to see all food as the enemy.
It's really no wonder my gut said "no thank you!"
While it's certainly great to take an interest in your health and be proactive, I think it's even more important to do so with a discerning eye. The best prescription is the one that works for you because no two of us are the same.
Apparently I am a chocolate monster... :) |
How do you find the perfect prescription for you? By really, truly listening to what your body and self need - not what you think you want because you have deprived yourself for so long, or what you think you should want because you read it was healthy, but what you truly really need at that moment. Trust yourself to know the answer.
The only stipulation I'll add is that it would help if you respond with real food (i.e. if you want bread, go to your local bakery and get the fresh baguette made with five ingredients rather than the suspiciously fluffy white stuff with 50,000 ingredients) - your taste buds and health will thank you. But even this stipulation can be broken, as we are all human after all! :)
And here's the thing, after over a week of this kind approach, I can tell you honestly that I have never been happier about my eating and my gut has never been so joyous.
Phew, another long one. Thanks for reading!
Happy tumbling & stumbling!
P.S. I almost forgot! This kind approach is also quite thrifty. You can save yourself the magical potions and fancy pants foods, and focus instead on wallet-friendly whole, real food.