Tuesday, April 17, 2012

doing the work: get organized!

Last week I wrote about my new plan to work on my somewhat out-of-whack relationship with food. Having a direction is great, but turning it into a goal with an action plan is even better!

Without further ado, it's time to get organized!! 

Fun fact: I LOVE to organize. When I was a kid, I would ask to clean my friends' rooms. 
Parents loved me, kids thought I was weird. 'Tis the story of my life. :)

... but back to organizing!

The goal: to learn to eat with pleasure and drop the guilt trips already (lofty, no?!)
The timeline: ha! if only...
The plan: study, study, study! Yay!! Homework!!

Here is my glorious pile of study material:

In this pile, you will find:
  1. Crazy Sexy Diet by Kris Carr. This might as well be my bible, and she might as well be my role model. This book is jammed back with great information not only on what to eat, but how to eat and how to live in a crazy sexy way.

  2. The Happiness Project by  Gretchen Rubin. The book that inspired this blog way back when in 2009. It's time for a reread.

  3. Women Food and God by Geneen Roth. This is my other bible. This profoundly insightful and comforting book leaves me with "ah ha!" moments every time I read it... and I've read it a lot.

  4. Why Weight? by Geneen Roth. This is a newbie in my collection. It's a workbook compliment to Roth's ideas (including those captured in Women Food and God).

  5. Diary of an Exercise Addict by Peach Friedman. Also new, and just for fun (though I suspect it will be insightful fun).

  6. Mastery of Love by Don Miguel. Personally recommended but not shown as my Chapters didn't have it. How dare they tamper with a organize-aholic?!

  7. A crisp new journal to chronicle it all! Mine says, "Always do what you are afraid to do" right on the cover. Perf'.

The plan is to spend one honest hour each day going through this stuff - reading the books, working through the workbook, sharing any great wisdoms, etc.

In addition, I vow to not eat in front of the computer or TV for awhile... oh geez. 

Wish me luck! 

Happy tumbling.. and stumbling!

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