Why? I'd like to redo last week's somewhat failed Sunday Sabbath. It wasn't a completely failure, but maybe a C... or a C minus.
I did manage to significantly curb my media intake... but when Sunday evening rolled around, I was in comfy pants watching movies on my laptop while checking Facebook, Twitter, blogs, etc. Alt tab, alt tab.
However, one of the things I stumbled upon in my alt-tabbing, is that there is an entire community dedicated to this Sunday media-Sabbath idea!
There's the Sabbath Manifesto
- And theUndoList which provides tips for your weekly 24-hour break from technology
- And there's even a National Day of Unplugging (though apparently we missed it)
This is great! Tips! Communities! Yay!
So my strategy for tomorrow/ today/ the next technology Sabbath is simple: rather than concentrating so much on what I have to avoid, I'm going to focus on filling my day with fun non-tech things to do!
Here are a few suggestions to get you started:
- go to a yoga class
- how about a walk in the park or through your favourite neighbourhood?
- or a date with a friend?
- call your mom/ dad/ someone you should probably call more often
- go to the gym
- play an April Fools prank on someone
- iron your clothes for the week (okay, i'm running out of ideas...)
You get the point. :)

Happy tumbling & stumbling!
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